1408: Trailer for Season 15
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0:01 Welcome to Episode Eight of season 14 of the growing empire show today, we are going to talk about and recap season 14, as well as let you know what to expect for the upcoming season 15. So stay tuned.
0:18 Welcome to Growing empires hosted by real estate entrepreneur and trusted Investment Advisor Jennifer de Seuss. Growing empires provides insight to building wealth through passive income producing real estate investments for those who want to build and manage a more profitable real estate portfolio.
0:38 So season 14 is the season that I feel might have been the one out of all of the years that we've been doing this now, that potentially dropped the most knowledge and maybe aha moments. And the reason I say that is because I feel like this is the piece of real estate investing that people understand the least about. And that certainly partly because it's the least talked about. And just to refresh your memory, we were talking about protecting your investments with title insurance. We had some really amazing guests, Rick Hecker, Bill Hemric, both, you know, attorneys and people in the know regarding the title industry. And they kind of broke down for you, not only what the title industry is, and how it kind of compares to like your insurance for your auto policies. But they also spent a great deal of time talking about how to buy the right type of deals, if you're going to buy from foreclosures and estates. And if you're going to step outside the box, essentially, right, if you're going to be one of those investors that wants to go, the opposite direction that a Rails goes, instead of buying stuff on market, you want to be resourceful. And you want to go find those really great deals, how to do that. And what you need from your title agent to make sure that you're buying a property with free and clear title. They talked about fraud in the title and real estate business, which, you know, again, it's just one of those things where I feel like it's never talked about, it's not something that is broadcasted in the industry. So people get, you know, sidelined with these issues that they could have never seen coming, if you didn't have a mentor, that helped you protect yourself from these awful events, these awful fraudulent events, then you might have been a victim. And, you know, with all the information that's out there on the web, and all of the resources that you have, from networking events, I feel like people don't talk about some of the most critical components, those pieces being your title insurance, your protection, you know, it's no different than you, you would never buy a house or buy a car without putting insurance on it. So to be able to understand what title insurance does, to be able to understand how critical your partner, your title, Agent partner is in your real estate investing world. And, you know, to be able to understand enough about how to protect yourself, as well as to know where to lean, when you have, you know, a property potentially that is a little bit more complicated than the rest. You know, I think what you heard throughout the season, or what I hope you heard throughout the season, I guess I should say is that, you know, not all title agents are created equal. And I went into detail, I believe in one of the episodes, at least through the questions where I actually I think this was on our question and answer segment, somebody asked me why I had started a title company. And I did explain that it was really important to me to be able to protect people's interests. Because this industry is one where you need to have a whole lot of people on your side, you have to have a whole lot of partners and an awful lot of mentors in different segments of the industry that you know, I believe that your title partner is equally, if not one of the more important people to have on your side. And when I'm talking about your partners, I'm not necessarily talking about your business partners or people that you physically invest with. I'm actually talking about your mentors, I'm talking about your attorney, your real estate broker, your insurance, not only your title insurance team member but your property insurance team member and then your mentors as far as people that help you acquire properties and you know, so on and so forth. And the you know that title agent really becomes, you know, a critical component because, you know, you can't just although you can get title insurance just about anywhere, right? Just like you can get a no To read just about anywhere, that doesn't mean that they are educated enough to protect your interest. So you can do the function of getting your property's protected. But were you really protected? And will something come up in the future of your ownership that is going to be detrimental to your original investment strategy. So, you know, season 14 really went into the nitty gritty. And I feel like we really exposed some of the potential challenges that an investor could have. And I really hope that you took the time to listen to these episodes and really understand how they apply to you. Because the whole purpose behind me not only providing this podcast as a resource to you, is just to make sure that you're educated.
5:50 The episode will continue in just a moment.
5:54 As an investor, we know it's important to stay on top of market trends and real estate opportunities that add value to your portfolio. We also know that having a trusted source of reliable information to help you stay a step ahead of other investors is critical to your success. If you're interested in having these types of resources, as well as access to me and my team, I invite you to join the Empire Investment Club, a free service that gives you an easier way to make sense of today's and tomorrow's real estate opportunities. As a member of the Empire Investment Club, you'll get access to relevant resources and investment focused experiences, such as live interactive webinars, market trend presentations, and investors, socials designed to equip you with what you need to succeed. So whether you're an active investor, passive investor, a combination of both, or just starting out, the club is where you'll get what you need to build a portfolio you love to join, just head over to Jennifer to hastings.com, sign up, and we'll see you in the club, where everyone's on a journey to becoming a better investor.
6:53 Moving forward to season 15, we are going to talk to a large handful of very successful investors and entrepreneurs. And they all got their start with real estate. And all of them will tell you about previous corporate jobs, dead end jobs, feeling trapped, feeling like they could not provide for their families. There was one, you know gentleman that had a very similar story to mine, which is, you know, being in corporate America and being one of the higher paid employees and then being disposed of, you know, when layoffs happened, because you were at the top of the tear, so you're the obvious person to get cut. And, you know, the fear and the the detriment that that causes to a family. And you know, we both were very successful at getting out of that. But not everybody can experience something like that and know how to navigate those waters. So, you know, to hear somebody else with a similar story with such a passion, on you know, investing in and providing for your financial freedom and providing for your family, I thought was really, really interesting. But even more so than the story itself. I think that what you're going to hear from Season 15, that, you know, should really be your light bulb is that everybody got started without having any certainty, right. So, being a successful real estate investor does not mean that you've already planned everything out and everything is going to always go according to plan. You will hear these investors talk about some failures, as well as some successes. But keep in mind, how everybody starts had they get off that ledge, how do they say, I am going to do this and this is going to be my full time career. And I am going to make sure that providing my family with wealth and financial freedom is going to be the thing that I'm striving for.
9:07 Some did it for mental health, some did it for just taking their time that taking your life back. But they all had a very similar start. And that's that they all had good jobs. They all even somewhat enjoyed their careers. Many went to school and spent a fortune on education for those careers and put a lot of time invested into those careers, but knew that that was just the rat race and human nature that we are taught from a you know, a young childhood age is you know, get your education, get your education, go to college, get your education, find a good job, you know, so that you can live your life. But nobody talks to you about you know what happens when you're trying to build somebody else's dreams nobody else talks to you about
10:00 What happens when that employer decides that you're disposable? And what does that do to your family? What does that do to your, your health, your sanity? And you know, how, what kind of challenge does it bring to a relationship that otherwise maybe didn't have challenges? So what I want you to really take from this, and I think that this is a really, really critical piece, and I really hope you take the time to listen and maybe even re listen to these interviews is, When did people decide to start their career? Was it while they were employed? Did they put a little extra effort, or did everybody just quit cold turkey and then run to real estate investing, and I think you're going to hear that they all started out a little different. But nobody was certain that it would be successful, they all had to take some sort of risk, they all had to take some sort of initiative to make the move. But the result of not making the move would mean that they were always exposed, they were always a sitting duck in their careers, and therefore their family. And their livelihood was always at risk. So they made the move. And every one of these real estate investors, you are going to hear now has a much greater purpose in life. They are giving back to their community, they're giving back to other investors because they have been successful, and they have really learned the tricks of the trade. So really take from this not only the pieces that you need to take action, take action, that is the most critical thing that you can do is take action, because so many people won't take action. Now, that doesn't mean you're taking some risk. And that does mean that you will have some ups and downs, but nothing is ever perfect. So you have to take the risk if what you desire in life is to be financially free, if what you desire in life is to provide for your family long after you're gone. If your desire is to get your time back and have the opportunity to enjoy life to the fullest, then you're going to want to find a piece, a piece of information, a piece of nugget that you can take and run with.
12:30 And then on the backside, I want you to hear about what they've done since. So they all started out as very successful real estate investors. But those networks opened the door to many other opportunities for them to transition into a true entrepreneurial ship. And now they have the ability to do something that is not just providing for their wealth and their family, but gives them a sense of accomplishment, because they have an opportunity to give back and help others. And I think that that is such a powerful piece of what real estate can do for you if it's done right. It's not just about owning properties. It's about the doors and the experiences that it opens for you to network and meet other people that you would otherwise never know in your lifetime. So get excited about season 15 Because it is going to be amazing, and it is really going to give you hopefully that momentum to get up and get out there and get cracking at building your real estate investment empire. And until next season. Take care.
13:47 For more information about how Jennifer can help you plan, develop and manage a strong real estate investment portfolio visit growing empires.com